Saturday, January 8, 2011

Never going to do that again....

So last night I learned two very important things....

1.Shotgunning a beer will very likely make you vomit (and if congested, you'll smell nothing but vomit for the rest of the night)
2.I need to learn to be more assertive.

I'd say 'as per usual', but the parties that occur at my place are starting to become not quite so 'usual'. The only reason we (and by we, I mean more my cousin Heather than myself) had some of our (they're actually her friends, but have all grown to love me so I also refer to them as my friends and will for this just to make things easier) friends over. Mainly because there's so much extra booze left over from New Year's (Hell, even after last night we have a shit ton...) and my cousin didn't work till late the next day.

But yes. There was much drinking. I stopped when I vomited off the porch...
Lemme esplain.

We started the night off with a shot of GM, then we moved on to a Jager Bomb. After that, I made a drink that was mostly vodka and some coke, and then we had another Jager Bomb! I was fine for a while, at least until we started to play Fuck The Dealer (if you don't know the game, look it up. It's lots of fun). At the start I was doing fine, but towards the end I started to get screwed over. Luckily there were mainly low cards, so I survived. After that, we played kings. Now that's the game that really got me...
For those of you that don't know how to play, I'll tell the main part you need to know to understand my story. When you play Kings, you spread a deck of cards around a beer and go in a circle pulling cards. Each card is assigned a different meaning (5 is guys, Ace is social, 2 is you, etc.). But if you pull a king, you have to put it on top of the beer. If you pull the last beer then you have to chug the beer. Well, I didn't pull it, but someone that had to drive home did.
My smart ass volunteered to chug half of it, but next thing I know, I'm standing on the porch with people, getting ready to shotgun it. I did alright, was able to get a little more than half before I couldn't take it. Then I let out the loudest, deepest burp I think I've ever had. Probably wasn't even a minute later that I was leaning off the porch throwing up. And because I was so congested, I smelled vomit whenever I breathed through my nose for the rest of the night.
I ended up being okay. But I'm not done, there's still more to my fantasmical story.

So there was this guy that came with one of my friends last night, we actually shotgunned a beer at the same exact time. We ended up talking and talking and talking aaaaand he tried to make a move (by that I mean kiss me). I wasn't exactly comfortable with that not because of him, but because of the people that were inside and on the porch and stuff (they would've probably beat his face in because he's older than I am). I tried to let him know, but he kinda didn't stop. By the end of the night, I kept running back inside because he was getting pretty close to me and I didn't want that. One of my friends ended up giving me a drunken talk about how if I want someone to stop doing something, I need to tell them and stand by it, not just pussy out and drop hints that they should stop.
That's why I'm going to add 'Be more assertive.' to my New Years resolutions.

But yea, that was my Friday night. Hell, that wasn't even Friday day.... That I will get to tomorrow in between psychology vocab and art worksheets and projects.

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