Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hold the flavours on my tongue
Hazelnut and creamer, coffee and artificial sweetener
This drink makes me thirsty.

I have decided that any poemy-like things will be in blue on this here blog of mine.

Finally fourth period, last class of the day. It's one of those classes that I have a love-hate relationship with.
I don't mind the class, but sometimes it can drag on and on and on (hell, most classes already do that because they're 85-friggin minutes long)
One of the cool things about it though is that my teacher has a coffee pot in the back of the room and will share it to us if she's in a good mood. Today it was hazelnut coffee.
(Today- 11/18/10)

Ah, once again in Spanish...

Please shoot me. Now.

I can't stand this class and once the semester is over, I'm dropping it like a hot brick. Like a brick that's on fire.
My apologies for not putting up the second part of my post last night. First I had to finish an art project (which I left at home on the day it was do...) and then I was watching True Blood. Had to get my Eric Northman fix. Mmm... Eric Northman...

Uh-oh... Now I've gotten my mind on Eric Northman. I want to have that fictional vampire's non-existent babies. Seriously. I am in love with Eric Northman. I promise not to go off on him toooo much, unless it's True Blood season. I know I have a serious problem, but I care not!


'World War Z' is a flipping amazing book. I was hardly able to put it down to write this.
Alright. Imma eat a brownie (leftover from lunch) and read a little bit more and then get back to this.

I'm currently on page 195, by the way.

So I never did get back to it..... But now I'm eating popcorn!
Hope you enjoyed the read peoples.

Have an epic afternoon.

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