Monday, November 22, 2010

Miss me?

Oh no! An entire weekend without a post? What's my one follower going to do?
(Yea Liam, what are you going to do? {Check out his blog here}

I know I wanted to update every day, but sometimes nothing worthy of being posted on the interweb happens. My weekend was pretty relaxed.
Saturday was spent with Liam and his lady going through music for a holiday party that we'll be having in a couple weeks. Though during that time I was attacked by his lady, in the good way. But I did end up with a massive bruise on my next. Then we went to IHop and had tasty breakfast-stuffs for dinner.
I got the nutella crepes, no banana.

I don't like banana in my nutulla...

Sunday I had an early Thanksgiving with a good chunk of my family. That was pretty much spend eating and playing Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. Which is tons o' fun, might I add. Oh! And I got a massage! (My cousin is in a massage school and has to practice on real people)

AAaaand then we had today, Monday. The gross start of the week, but this week shall be epicly epic.
Why, you ask?

Tomorrow is Crabsgiving. The day where my cousin has a bunch of her friends over and we feast upon the delicious, delicious carcaasses of crabs.
Also, tomorrow, my boyfriend will be coming over for crabsgiving and spending the night.
Aaaand my best friend is coming home from collage and I'll get to see her on Wednesday.
Aaaaand I'm skipping all but one class on wednesday (it's a half day anyway)
And then it's Turkey-day!

This week will be amazing, which is why I'm on my way to bed and you people are getting a late post. Tomorrow (should time allow) I'll post the start of two different stories that I started today.

Nighty night peoples, have a good sleep.

~Oh yea! I finished World War Z. Wonder what I'll be starting next....~

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