Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Posting while in school!?

My psychology class is fucking crazy...

We're looking at this picture (I'll try and find it online to show you) and we had to tell the teacher what we thought it was was. This one really annoying kid had this freakishly weird answer. He said it looked like a guy drowning with a Pac-man ghost face and a piranha swimming toward him. I, on the other hand, see a dalmation drinking from a river with a tree on the other side.

Maybe I'm just not a creative as that kid. Or I haven't been on the crazy train quite as long.

Apparently it's supposed to be an incomplete picture of a dalmation, but my teacher says there's no right answer because it's all about how we percieve it.

(You can see the picture here. What do you see?) 

Is the red that you see the same as the red that I see?


I wrote that while I was in my first period psych class this morning. Right now I'm in my third period math class and I'm extremely bored, so today may have two posts.

Anyway, I went back and read my post from last night and wow I should really reread things before posting them. There were words where I didn't mean them and things not in the right tense and shiz like that. Promise the next ones will be better... Maybe.

I'm currently reading 'World War Z' by Max Brooks and am loving it. I think that I might be going through a zombie craze at the moment because this is like the third or forth zombie-related book I've read in the past couple weeks.

I read 'Generation Dead' and 'Kiss of Life' by Daniel Waters and started the book 'Empire: A Zombie Novel' by David Dunwoody.
(Does anyone else see a thing with 'D' names and zombies or is that just me?)
Are there any suggestions for books I should read, zombies or not?

Alright, I think I'm going to end this one here. There's still about 40 minutes of class left, but I'll fill that in with World War Z and playing Kingdom of Loathing.

Have a good afternoon.

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